Slimer was a Big part of the Cartoons but had a Small part in Every Ghostbusters Film. Time ta tell us Which is Coolest. Continue Reading

Slimer was a Big part of the Cartoons but had a Small part in Every Ghostbusters Film. Time ta tell us Which is Coolest. Continue Reading
The original car was famously a 1959 Cadillac, already an old car by the time the film made its debut in 1984. The new one is also old-school, it’s a 1980s Cadillac Fleetwood Station Wagon. Both Classics in their own ways but its time for you to choose. Continue Reading
The Proton Pack!!!!!! Every kid want 1 and every grownup wants to CROSS THE STREAMS. Continue Reading
This week will be a All Ghostbusters Week. Starting with the Teams Continue Reading
Today’s Classic will between the 3 Versions of Woody Woodpecker 1940, 1947, & 1957 Continue Reading
Mickey Mouse has gone through some changes over the Years. WOW!! Hes OLD!!! Continue Reading
Microsoft has been producing the Office suite since It was first announced by Bill Gates on 1 August 1988. 97 was my first version and so Today’s question is.. Continue Reading
RoboCop (1987) was of one of the most popular sci-fi action movies of the 1980s staring Peter Weller Directed by Paul Verhoeven . RoboCop returns in 2014 in a new movie directed by Jose Padilha, staring Joel Kinnaman. Today question is Rococop 1 as good as the remake or Better? Who is your Robotic Cop? Continue Reading
Free For All. Tell us who your Favorite Classic Horror Character is. Continue Reading
Sonic the Hedgehog had been running around with Super Speed since 1991. Is the Classic more Fun or the Modern? Â Continue Reading
Damn you Dirty Apes!!!!!!!!! Todays Classic Question is, Is the New or Classic better. Â Continue Reading
 Since the show’s inception in 1963, the Doctor has been portrayed by fourteen actors. Continue Reading
Today’s Battle!!! Classic 1990’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles VS the Modern TMNT Version. No the Toons are not to be Considered in this Vote, But ya can always give them shutouts below. Continue Reading
So this is Going to be Free For All. Hercules has been played by Several Different Men. So lets see who ya Like the Most. Vote here or tell us Who should Be#1. Continue Reading
Montgomery Christopher Jorgensen “Scotty” Scott has been played by Both James Doohan and Simon Pegg Who is the Better Engineer due to the Fact Simon’s Scotty Killed Archer’s Dog and Lost a Few Years at Starfleet.  Continue Reading
Khan has managed to Piss Kirk off in Both timelines. Who Pissed Kirk off more Ricardo MontalbĂ¡n or Benedict Cumberbatch    Continue Reading
Spock has been played by Both the Late Lenard Nimoy and Zachary Quinto. Who did you Like Best. Or Tell Us What You Think Below. Continue Reading
Enterprise Vs Enterprise Which was Cooler. Continue Reading